Hakim Injury Law: Right-Beverly-Hills

Finding the Right Beverly Hills Personal Injury Attorney

March 08, 2024

So many attorneys practice law in Southern California that finding the right one can be an overwhelming choice. So, please read this post before you randomly choose one and throw him/her into your shopping cart.

Accident victims badly need attorneys. Insurance companies have gangs of lawyers whose only mission is to reduce or deny compensation to victims, no matter how deserving they are. Attorneys cannot possibly compete with insurance company financial resources. Fortunately, the right Beverly Hills personal injury attorney has an advantage that is unrelated to money. 

An individual attorney taking on an insurance company is like David taking on Goliath. Despite the odds, the shepherd boy took down the giant because David was well-prepared and he had right on his side. In the same way, a personal injury lawyer prepares diligently and takes your side no matter what obtains maximum compensation for your serious injuries. This is another advantage of hiring an experienced lawyer for your truck accident or other cases.

Most Common Types of Personal Injuries in Beverly Hills

Car wrecks are the most common kind of personal injury in SoCal. Driver error causes over 98 percent of these incidents. If the driver was negligent, compensation is available. 

Basically, negligence is a lack of care. Most California drivers have a two-part duty of reasonable care. 

When they get behind the wheel, they must be sober, healthy (no flu-like illness or illness, like epilepsy, that could cause a sudden loss of consciousness), well-rested, and otherwise in good mental and physical condition. As they drive, they must obey the rules of the road and avoid accidents if possible.

Commercial operators, like truck drivers, have a higher duty of care in the Golden State. The duty of utmost care is more stringent than the duty of reasonable care.

Unintentional poisonings, usually drug overdoses, are right up there with car crashes, in terms of the number of personal injuries. One or more parties could be legally responsible for damages in these cases, such as a:

  • Doctor who wrote the prescription without asking the right questions,
  • Drug shipping company that failed to comply with the Controlled Substances Act,
  • Pharmacist who filled a prescription without considering the big picture, or
  • Property owner who turns a blind eye to drug use on his/her property.

Other kinds of personal injury matters include slip-and-falls, dog bites, swimming pool drownings, and negligent security-related crimes (e.g. a burned-out light that allowed Tim to lie in wait for Paul).

Qualities to Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one was injured in one of the aforementioned ways, a Beverly Hills personal injury lawyer should at least evaluate your case. Look for a lawyer with a combination of:

  • Dedication: Personal injury matters are a sideline for many lawyers. Instead, they primarily focus on criminal defense, family law, or another legal area. These lawyers usually look for quick ways out, mostly because they don’t want to spend time on personal injury cases. So, as a rule of thumb, the attorney’s practice should be at least 50 percent personal injury law.
  • Experience: During law school, students learn how to think like lawyers. In most cases, they don’t learn how to act like lawyers. Law schools don’t stress, or in many cases even offer, client relationship and legal procedure classes. Therefore, only experienced attorneys know how to effectively communicate with clients and navigate a case through the judicial system.
  • Accessibility: A Beverly Hills personal injury lawyer should be accessible on two levels. First, your lawyer should be your lawyer. If you receive the first month’s time summary and you don’t recognize any of the names of the people who worked on your case, that’s a bad sign. Physical accessibility is important as well. For seriously injured people, driving across town to see the lawyer is a significant chore.

At the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim, we check all these boxes. We focus almost exclusively on personal injury matters. Furthermore, our legal team has decades of combined experience. Finally, our main office is conveniently located on Wilshire Boulevard, and while we work as a team, your lawyer is primarily responsible for all work done in your case.

Looking for Experienced Beverly Hills Personal Injury Lawyers?

Of course, no law firm is right for everyone. However, we always encourage accident victims to contact us, so we can evaluate your case and get you started in the right direction.

Choosing the right lawyer makes a very big difference. For a free consultation with an experienced Personal injury lawyer in Beverly Hills, contact the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim.

Sharona Hakim

Sharona Eslamboly Hakim, Esq. is a successful personal injury attorney and the principal of the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim firm in Beverly Hills, California.

Call our Beverly Hills office to schedule a free consultation.

Evening, weekend and out-of-office appointments are available on request.

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