
Toxic Mold Claims

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What is Toxic Mold? 

It is important to note that most types of mold are typically harmless. However, there are instances where mold substances can produce a poison called mycotoxin. The release of mycotoxin into the air can cause serious health problems when inhaled by humans and animals.

It is easy to see that mold, while most of the time harmless, can become very dangerous for buyers and sellers of properties. Dangerous molds that release the poison, mycotoxin, typically require costly repairs. They also pose health risk to humans and animals.

Toxic Mold Syndrome (TMS) is used to define the illness that can be caused by the inhalation or exposure of dangerous mold. Symptoms that typically occur from the exposure to mycotoxin are:

  • Chronic coughing or sneezing
  • Irritation to the eyes
  • Congestion of nose or throat
  • Rashes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Lung congestion or shortness of breath
  • Dry or scaly skin

While Toxic Mold Syndrome can affect anyone who inhales or is exposed to the mycotoxins released, there are groups of individuals that may be more susceptible than others. Individuals who already have weak immune systems, with allergies or chronic respiratory diseases may be at a greater risk to experience Toxic Mold Syndrome. Also, children and elderly individuals face a greater risk of such illness.

How to Resolve Toxic Mold Claims

Toxic Mold claims can arise in numerous situations. Most commonly, the new buyer of a property or a new homeowner becomes aware of the mold and wants to expedite measures to rid the property of a possibly dangerous substance. The seller of the property may not have had knowledge of the mold, but as negligently failed to address issues in the property that would lead to the development of dangerous molds, such as through a leak. On the other hand, the seller may have known of the mold and intentionally hid the defect when selling the property to the new buyer.

In either situation, our goal at the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim is to provide you with the resources you need to reach a solution to your mold issue. Whether that is through repairing or rebuilding the property, our attorneys will stand by you every step of the way.

Contact Us for a FREE Consultation

At the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim, we aggressively protect our clients’ rights and fight for the maximum compensation available. Our attorneys have the experience and skill that you need to get results in your toxic mold case.

If you believe you or a loved one is a victim of toxic mold syndrome, contact us immediately. Call us right now at 800-LAW-TALK (1-800-529-8255), or fill out the form below.

Hakim Injury Law: Sharona Profile
Sharona Hakim, Esq.

Sharona Eslamboly Hakim is the principal of the firm.

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